Judge Washburn Unlawfully Denied Jury Trial
to Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son
Judge Washburn is Unlawful!
Judge Washburn denied Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son a Jury Trial, which is against AZ State Law and the US Constitution!
The Evidence was overwhelming! The Wicked Sister admitted in Sworn Testimony they used “Hispanic Culture” as their legal justification!
Incompetent, Gullible and Unlawful Washburn would rather let “Hispanic Culture” rule in his AZ Court!
Judge Washburn Made Devoted Veteran Son
to Pay $152K for Four Wicked Scum
Lying in Court!
Judge Washburn Allows Veterans Home to be Destroyed!!
Incompetent Judge Washburn Ignored “Hispanic Culture” as a Legal Justification for taking control of Frankie’s Estate, then Incompetent Judge Washburn allowed the Wicked Sisters to Destroy Frankie’s Home!!!
Then Incompetent Judge Washburn forced Frankie’s Devoted Veteran Son to pay $153,000 for the Two Wicked Sisters & Two Wicked Sons Fraud and Perjury!
Judge Washburn Ignored Decades of Child Support
Due to Frankie from Deadbeat Dad!
Judge Washburn didn’t require a dead-beat “dad” pay decades of Child Support due to Frankie!
The dead-beat “dad” even had a warrant for his arrest for failure to pay child support!
Frankie had sought the Child Support she was owed many times from many states, but every time she was close to forcing the dead-beat dad to pay, he would just leave the state…Arrest Warrants didn’t even force him to pay Frankie!
Judge Washburn doesn’t care about Back Child Support Due to Single Veteran Mothers!
Judge Washburn Ignored
Fraud and Evasion in his Court!
Judge Washburn is Incompetent & Gulible…again…
Judge Washburn ignored the Sworn Testimony that the Wicked Sisters & Wicked Sons used “Hispanic Culture” as a legal justification to seize control of Frankie’s Estate.
Judge Washburn just lets “Hispanic Culture” have free reign in his courtroom! Apparently Judge Washburn wants mariachi bands to play in his courtroom for “Legal Inspiration!!”
Judge Washburn ignored the fact the Wicked Son tried to seize $50,000.00 of Frankie’s cash assets the day of Frankie’s funeral, which is against AZ Law!
Judge Washburn Ignored Perjury
Committed by an Attorney!
Judge Washburn Lets Liar Attorneys Have Free reign!
Judge Washburn didn’t notice the Perjury Committed by an Attorney. He is to Incompetent. Frankie’s Devoted Son had to educate Washburn on AZ Law!
But Judge Washburn ignored an Attorney purposefully misrepresenting AZ law for his clients, the Wicked Sister. An Attorney misrepresenting AZ law is Perjury.
When caught, Washburn didn’t hold the attorney accountable, he just ignored the Perjury.
Here is the…Incompetent, Gullible, Unlawful “Judge” Washburn….
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Paid for by the Justice for Frankie, LLC Corp (https://www.justiceforfrankie.us/) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.