US Military Failed Frankie – She Fought For Justice, But Got None
“I stopped counting the rapes after 5…”
“I stopped counting the rapes after 5…” If this statement does not shock and compel you to take action, you should not be allowed in civilized society.
As Frankie’s Devoted Son, I knew of one rape and of the sexual harassment she endured throughout her career, but my mother never shared the number or details of the rapes and sexual harassment she endured, both in and our of the US Armed Forces. It wasn’t until after my mother passed away, after I took control of her estate, that I learned the depth and breath of the injustices she endured. She was a meticulous record keeper and she saved so much original documentation. The documentation she saved is clear- the US Military persecuted her and they let rapists and sexual harassers run rampant and go unpunished.
Initially I did not want to share the details of the rapes my mother suffered from, but if I should pass away unexpectedly, who will speak for Frankie? My blood relatives are callous and self-serving…so I am compelled to share more of the trauma Frankie endured, as a witness for her, as a small step to force the US legal system and US military system to take rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment seriously.
Frankie Endured at least 10 Rapes
Horrifically, Frankie documented that she suffered as many as 10 rapes. But as she stated, she “stopped counting the rapes after 5.” Quite obviously for her own mental health. How could this occur? Pathetically, the US Military system and US Legal system dismisses accusations of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment, as “not provable.” Women do not make up rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment- period.
Frankie documented that after she left the military, she was raped by two roommates in two different residences in Arizona. One roommate resided with her in Glendale AZ and the other roommate resided with her in Duddleyville, AZ. Understandably, she did not document the majority of the rapes or of the locations- who would want to relive such trauma, when no one offered her support and society was indifferent to her plight.
Frankie was raped by USAF Recruiter, by a USAF Military Instructor
and by a USAF Airman – All in One Year!
My mother documented that she was raped by her USAF recruiter, by the US Military Instructor at her USAF Basic Training and at her first duty station. She reported all of these, but the command said, “there is nothing they could do…” Clearly that was a lie- they didn’t want to do anything and they didn’t believe her.
Officials Threaten Frankie with Punishment If Rape Allegations Unproven
Outrageously, a formal document stated “after being warned that she could be punished if she could not prove her accusations, A1C decided against pushing the issue.” In multiple official USAF documents, it states that Frankie can be punished for failing to prove her rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment allegations.
Frankie Fought Back, But She Was Overwhelmed
By Military and Societies Indifference and the Number of Rapes
At her first duty station, she tried to get Justice. But the imbecile authorities just stated, “we can’t do anything about the past.” In a formal report, which she saved, they even stated that, “After being warned that she could be punished if she could not prove her allegations, A1C Ruiz decided against pushing the issue.” This is just disgusting! It’s in writing! When you report crimes, the police and lawyers do not say, “if you cant prove this, you can be punished.” It’s as if the rapists themselves wrote that language to protect themselves!!
How Does This Keep Occurring?
For anyone who is so simpleminded as to not understand how such outrageous repeated rapes, sexual assault and sexual harassment can take place over and over again…imagine a rapist who rapes a woman, is not held accountable, then the rapists feels like he can do whatever he wants- with no consequences for his actions. That rapist will commit rape over and over. Rapists take advantage of the stupidity of the US Military system and US Legal system.
Frankie is a Role Model! Frankie is far more than a Victim!
I always had great respect and admiration for my mother, and I told her so. But I never knew what she endured or how much she accomplished. She was modest, unassuming about her accomplishments and also did not shar details of the injustices she endured. Now, after learning all she endured and accomplished, I am overwhelmed with admiration! She was always deserving of respect and admiration, but her stand for justice, although they were unfruitful, make her a role model for other women! I hope in some small way that sharing her story will instill courage into others who are suffering from the same injustices. It is a fight worth fighting. Even if the US Military and US Legal systems fail to take rape. sexual assault and sexual harassment seriously, we must keep on pushing until they do!
Commanding Officer Outrageously Interferes with Frankie’s Performance Rating!
Commanding Office Lower Frankie’s Performance from 9 of 9 to 6!!
In a 1978 Performance Rating, Frankie was rated “6 of 9,” even though her superior, Sgt Butcher, informed Frankie he intended to rate her “9 of 9.” Sgt Butcher informed Frankie that the Squadron 1st Sgt Dumas “coerced” Sgt Butcher to lower Frankie’s rating from 9 to 6, from the instructions of the Squadron Commander, Lt Col Edwards. Frankie formally submitted an “Appeal” to correct her 1978 performance report.
Firstly, there is no way in HELL a Commanding Officer or 1st Sgt should be at all involved in the evaluation of an A1C’s Performance Report. Sgt Butcher should have been supervised by his section superior on a routine A1C Performance Report. The Commanding Officer and 1st Sgt obviously interfered with Frankie’s Performance Report to lower her performance rating from 9 to 6, in some sad pathetic way to punish Frankie. This stinks to high heaven! The only consolation is their names have been documented and they will forever be stained and tainted by their buffoonery, pettiness and blatant gender discrimination.
Although Frankie’s Performance Report was changed back to 9, it was only because of Frankie’s push for Justice! If it was up to her supervising imbecile USAF Chain of Command, her career would have been severely impacted, which would have undoubtably affected her future performance.
Frankie Earns Outstanding Airman of Year 1978!!
Incredibly, Frankie earns Outstanding Airman of the Year in 1978, which was the same year the Commanding Officer, 1st Sgt and her superiors conspired to destroy Frankie’s career! Her Award Letter states, Frankie “constantly displays outstanding performance and sincere professionalism in all her duties.” Furthermore, it states “Airman Ruiz has demonstrated her ability as an articulate and positive spokesman for the Air Force by conducting briefings for tours and visiting dignitaries on the responsibilities of the power plant.”
Did Frankie go from a marginal, average Airman to an Outstanding Airman in a few months? NO! She was always an exceptional person of ability and character, as she was the “face” of the Squadron for visitors. Clearly she was articulate, knowledgeable and able to communicate effectively- all while English was her Second Language! Most people can barely communicate in their first language! But here Frankie is Frankie exemplifying the best of America!
USAF Recruiter Raped Frankie in 1976!
My mother stated a Tucson USAF Recruiter raped her in 1976!
Help me find this rapist!
His name is Robert “V.” Either “Vitalo” or “Vitala” and he operated out of Tucson in 1976!

A list of SCUM who raped, sexually assaulted or sexually harassed my mother!
I Personally Remember One of these SCUM
While we were stationed in Vandenberg AFB and while I was in high school, my mother was assigned to a Civil Engineering Squadron which produced power for the base. I personally specifically remember a James E. Devine ringing our front doorbell and asking for Frankie. He was a 5’6″, black man about 160 lbs. It was very odd that this person who worked with Frankie would appear suddenly and unanounced, as we have never heard of him before and we never had visitors we did not expect. Based upon documentation my mother saved, it was clear that my mother worked with the wife of this person and that James E. Devine sought my mother out romantically, whereas the jealous wife persecuted my mother at work for her own husband’s stupidity. Of course her “superiors” just blamed Frankie for not wanting to deal with this jealous wife and wrote my mother a Counseling reprimand. As usual, the simpletons just take appearances for reality- idiots.